Final Project (30 pts)

The final project should be turned in on Canvas by Thursday, Oct 22, Midnight (AoE).

This project may be completed as a group of up to 3. When working as a group, you must use a git repository to track each group members’ commits and include a link to the repo in your submission. Grades will be assigned as a group, and the final project is expected to be proportional to the number of group members.

The scope of this project should be 2.5 times as large as a homework assignment. If you spent 10 hours on the homeworks on average, expect to spend 25 hours on this project.

If you are working as a group of 3, ~75 total effort-hours should be committed to this project.

This final project is 30 points - which is 30% of your grade. No late work can be accepted for this final project.

Implementation (18 pts)

The final project is an open-ended project with WebAudio.

Broadly, your projects will fall into one of three categories, reflecting the three modules we have covered in class

  1. Digital Signal Processing
  2. Live Coding
  3. Automated Composition

While your project will have a focus on one topic, it may require some combination of these topics. You may use another language, but must consult with me 1-on-1 beforehand. Permission will only be granted under the circumstances of an exceptionally well thought-out project.

Presentation (6 pts)

You will give an ``in-progress’’ presentation in class on Oct 19. Your presentations should be 4 minutes per group member, up to a maximum of 10 minutes. You should present your final vision, as well as your progress towards that goal.

If you do not feel confident in giving a live presentation for any reason (likely because of poor internet connection), you may make a demo video ahead of time to be played during your slot. If you choose this option, please talk to me ahead of time.

Write up (6 pts)

A blog post you are proud of detailing your implementation and design choices. Your target audience for this blog post is someone outside of this class who is knowledgable about WebAudio and/or computational sound more broadly.

As an example of a good blog post, see